
What Is SEO and Its Best Practices?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the process of optimising something digitally, i.e. a blog, a piece of content or a website to get a higher position on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic formula to being ranked first, but SEO experts, including ourselves, implement various optimisation techniques to achieve higher rankings.

SEO is an important part of online marketing. There are so many reasons why digital marketers and bloggers prefer leveraging organic SEO traffic instead of traffic from paid ads.

Here are some of the reasons:

  • It helps to drive organic (free) traffic.
  • Get targeted traffic.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Higher conversions.

If you are new to SEO, here are five best practice tips to implement which can help to improve your site’s ranking.

1. Title tag

After doing keyword research and writing the content piece, you need to optimise it to help the search engine understand what your content is all about. The title tag of a post is one of the most important on-page SEO practices. If you want to rank for particular keywords, it is essential to include that keyword in the post’s title tag.

2. Write unique content

If you want to impress Google or other important search engines, provide high-quality and unique content. No matter how great of keyword research you do or how nicely you optimise your content, if your content is duplicate or not good enough quality, your site won’t get better rankings.

Tip: Make sure your content is at least 85% unique.

3. Meta descriptions

Write compelling and unique meta descriptions for your website content. Make sure to add your primary keyword in the meta description. Here you can also add a secondary keyword. By writing appropriate meta descriptions, you’ll undoubtedly get more clicks.

When your website gets more clicks on a particular post, your search engine rankings start to improve as it understands that there is a demand for it; it’s considered relevant content and, therefore, begins to trust your site.

Tip: Keep the meta description between 150 to 160 characters.

4. Internal linking

Internal linking can be very powerful and is another SEO best practice. When you properly build the internal linking structure, ranking your site for SERP purposes becomes a lot easier.

With that being said, keep in mind that internal linking should always link to a piece of content with high relevancy – do not use internal links for the sake of it. Doing so will do the opposite and negatively affect your SEO.

Tip: Make sure to use the proper anchor text.

5. Make content engaging

In today’s world, there are literally millions of pieces of content available at the end of our fingertips, steered by content-driven marketing. To stand out from the crowd, it’s critical to hook your readers at the very beginning.

In order for your content to rank higher on Google, you have to deliver the best possible experience to your relevant visitors. Avoid writing long paragraphs and sentences as this will disengage your readers. Instead, try to break the information up into bite-size, digestible content.

Why is this important? When a visitor doesn’t interact with your content and navigates away from it, this is known as a bounce-back. This is recorded and sent back to Google, signalling that your content has not satisfied the visitor.

So how can you make your content more engaging? Be sure to add more than just text; include images, videos and infographics. Another tip is to think about the layout of the text. Try to avoid block text, and where possible, break up your paragraphs with bullet points etc.

Final thoughts

So there you have it; five SEO best practice tips. These strategies are simple, easy to implement, yet extremely effective. By implementing these SEO practices on your website, we hope you’ll get better rankings on SERP, even faster.

We have several years of SEO experience and clients that we’ve managed for months/years. We offer a range of SEO solutions at Beyond Co., from startup to corporate. For example, Our SEO Management (Startup) package includes managing Google Ads, managing directory listings (Google My Business, Yell), review platforms and backlink services to increase domain authority. 

We usually write at least one landing page for your website per month, most likely in the form of a guide, to help be discovered. Depending on your business model, we can take this one step further by recreating these helpful guides on other platforms such as Pinterest, backlinking to individual products/services on your website. Sales have changed a lot other the years, and we have seen an increase in our client’s sales by offering helpful advice instead of directly trying to sell something. 

SEO is a pretty confusing thing – the non-specialists in our team can’t even get their heads around it. If you leave the technical stuff to us, all you need to know is that it’s great for your business – especially if you leave it to us. Contact us today to find out how we can take your website Beyond with SEO.


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